Blogger Layouts


Saturday, 28 September 2013

Small Heart, Big love

         From the first sight, I never get the idea how I will love him too much. Then he come into my life and bring joy than has taken from me before.. Thinking that I might never want to be any closed to them, then I have no hope to be in love  with him..

         His cherish make me can't be far apart from him.. His face, his laughs, his favourite,  all that make me deeply in love n never ever ever n ever thinking of losing him..

          But he just sent to make me happy only for a while. Never though that the last pair of sad looking eyes I've seen in the bus terminal is the last goodbye from him.. I just smiled and give him a kiss in the forehead.. He looks like try to tell me something, but I rushing closed the door and leave him..

          Going back to Johor really gave me a big shocked and In the time I'm trying to get use of the shocked, my sister inbox me. She said that He don't have much time any more.. He suffering since i'm having my time at Johor. The next day, I received a news that he has leave me forever..

          It almost been a month since he leave me, but my eyes still crying for him everyday.. There is no use to regret any longer.. I just never forget to pray so that I have the chance to meet him again.. Even once, or even just in my dream.. And I will never stop hoping..

For my sayang, my love always there for you... Because I'll never found love like you..

#for Mott a.k.a comott..

The day before he died..


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Harimau comel

Assalamualaikum guys... kali ni ain nak sharekan pulak gambar2 binatang kegemaran ain.. mestilah TIGER! God, kalau diberi peluang of course la ain nak bela harimau comel ni..:')

jom tengok gambar2 comel n manja raja rimba ni...

shumill right? 

santai gitu...

anjenyee iye... meoww..:D

di China, sami kongsi bekal makanan dengan harimau..:)

anyonyonyo.. manje.. gerammm!


macho benor abang tiger kite ni..

kecik2 pun da blajar mandi yee..^-^

white tiger...

gigi die nyomey2nyerr...:D

Semua gambar kat atas kredit to Mr. GOOGLE...:)

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Cutie Kities..:)

Assalamualaikum guys.. Ahamdulillah kita jumpa lagi pada entry kali ni.. sekarang ain banyak menghabiskan masa kat rumah.. cuti sem yang singkat terpaksa dipenuhi dengan goyang kaki kat rumah sambil melayan Mr. F yang tersayang..

sambil-sambil ain online, memang tak terfikir nak update entry kat blog ni.. then, tergerak hati nak cari gambar untuk Mr. F.. habis je download gambar, ain check dalam file dan lihat banyak gambar-gambar kucing comel dengan pelbagai telatah.. kali ni, ain nak kongsikan gelagat binatang kesayangan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dengan korang semua..:)

twins meh? :)

huargghh.. shumill!

p/s : I LOVE YOU.. 

cayaang awak! :)

ni mesti ade buat salah la ni... ngeee..

auww man.. she's too cute!

muka tanak makan sayur..:D

sangat tak boleh tahan gambar ni.. MY GOD..  HE'S SOO HANDSOME! :D

Hope all of you do enjoy the pictures..:)